Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Bury me under six feet of regret

T-shirt: KTZ Platforms: UNIF Mary Janes

Back in March I modelled for my buds on the Fashion Styling & Communication course! Even though these were taken a while ago and I now have white hair without the blue eyebrows I still felt like sharing them as the outfits we put together were really cool and gothic and I enjoyed being part of this occult/witch inspired shoot very much! Plus everything we put together is each something I'd wear so it makes sense to post them on my blog here as they do stay true to my personal style. So even though this t-shirt isn't mine, I still think it's so rad, and I love KTZ! So here is only part of the shoot but once I'm done posting some of the rest I will be back to posting more up-to-date photos, with my white hair, yay!

Photography & Styling credit to Jack, Steph, Caroline and Holly :)


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