Wednesday, 17 July 2013

She's lost control again, she's lost control.

 Jumper from Ubran Outfitters (Sale), skirt from Topshop (sale), vintage bandanna from To Be Work Again

Hey guys, these photos I've been meaning to add up for a while, they were taken on the same dates as my last two outfit posts and I've just been super lazy with getting round to edit them *bows head in shame*. Anyhoo, I'm on my holidays now since the end of May and the weather has been so nice! So really I have no excuses for doing some outfit shoots outdoors, I already have one coming up soon that I'll upload in the next few days which I shot in a cemetry. Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and keeping well, till next time... xoxo


  1. Cool look; I really like your style :)

  2. Joy Division Jumper is sooo cool! Want to have the same ;)
    I like your blog! You have wonderful style and photos.
    xo xo


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